4 Acne Myths Debunked: Understanding, Preventing, And Treating Acne

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Following a healthy lifestyle plan can be overwhelming due to the various tasks recommended by your doctor. However, issues that affect your skin may still develop while eating a well-balanced diet, exercising regularly, and visiting your doctor for regular exams. Considering an estimated 50 million Americans suffer with acne each year, understanding this common condition is essential if you want to improve your skin. Unfortunately, you are most likely misinformed due to the different myths associated with the development and treatment of acne. Using this guide on acne myths, you will be able to understand, treat, and prevent this unappealing skin condition.

Acne Affects Teenagers Only

Teenagers go through puberty, which causes hormonal imbalances. These hormonal changes cause the body to produce more oil, resulting in an increase in the bacteria and inflammation that causes acne. While teenagers are more likely to develop acne, the condition can also affect adults.

Menstruation, pregnancy, and taking birth control medications can also cause hormonal imbalances, so adult women are even more likely to develop acne.

Also, stress plays a large role in the body's natural production of androgen. This hormone is a common cause of acne, so adult men and women who experience stress will be at risk for developing acne.

While it does affect teenagers, 40 to 55 percent of adults between the ages of 20 and 40 will develop acne.

Toothpaste Heals Acne

Visit your local drug store, discount retailer, or department store and you will find a large assortment of skincare products that are meant to improve your skin. Some of these products may benefit your skin, but you still may look for miracles to heal your acne.

Most toothpaste brands contain alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and menthol, which can dry out the pimples on your skin. However, these ingredients can also cause inflammation and irritation, which increases your risk of rashes and other skin conditions. Applying toothpaste to your acne may seem like a good idea, but it will only create more problems for your skin. 

Utilizing a product that contains benzoyl peroxide to spot treat acne is a better option, since it is specifically formulated for use on the skin.

People With Acne Don't Wash Their Face

A common myth associated with the development of acne is that people with the condition are unclean and do not wash their face sufficiently. Dirt, oil, and bacteria can quickly buildup on the face through the day, increasing the risk of acne. You may wash your face at the end of each day, removing the acne-causing residue from your skin's surface.

Since acne is also caused by hormonal changes, properly cleansing your skin will only decrease your risk of developing further blemishes.

Many people with acne also wash their face excessively, in an attempt to quickly improve their skin. Unfortunately, over-washing your skin can make your acne worse. The chemicals found in many facial cleansers are too harsh, so washing in an excessive manner may strip your skin of its natural oils. Over time, this will irritate your skin, causing dryness, inflammation, and more severe acne.

Dermatologists Will Only Prescribe Acne Medication

Acne can affect your appearance and self-esteem, so you may seek out professional help to improve your skin. Visiting a dermatologist is a great option for reducing acne and other skin conditions, but you may find the different treatment options surprising.

Dermatologists may prescribe topical creams that can reduce the acne over time, but topical creams are not the only treatment option available.

Microdermabrasion is also effective for improving your skin. Microdermabrasion involves spraying the skin with fine crystals, which remove dead skin cells while suctioning out dirt and bacteria from your pores.

Scarring is a problem that affects 95 percent of patients with acne, but your dermatologist can also help remove these permanent imperfections on the skin.  Laser therapy removes the outer layer of skin, in a similar manner as a microdermabrasion treatment. However, the use of superficial laser light increases your skin's collagen production, allowing it to tighten and heal in a more appealing and youthful manner.

For severe scars, punch excision may be necessary. This form of acne surgery uses a punch biopsy tool to excise the scar from the skin. Small sutures are used to close up the skin after excising the scarred area. Punch excision is effective for removing large, deep scars, but you may require skin grafting to replace tissue that has been removed.

Acne may be common, but you most likely do not fully understand this skin condition. By debunking these myths, you will better understand the development of acne and the best options for preventing and treatment. For more information, contact a company like Advanced Dermatology & Skin Cancer Specialists of Moreno Valley.
